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HomeEventsThe Roost Cafe in Eustace

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The Roost Cafe in Eustace

About this event

Food and service have always been good...Join me for a nice ride to Eustace, TX and see if The Roost Cafe is still high on our list of good places to visit.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure - (refer to departure details below) - for the Pre-Ride Meeting and final preparations.

The Planned GPS Routes: 
20230903 Roost Cafe 189 miles 

Date and Time

Saturday, September 2, 2023, 7:30 AM until 12:30 PM


QuikTrip (QT)
1100 E. Spring Creek Pkwy
Plano, TX  75074

Event Contact(s)

Tom Moffat (LSP+)


Day Ride

Registration Info

Registration is recommended